Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Detox--Thirty Four

8:00 Shake
Crispy Rice Snacks

2:30 Shake
Avocado, smoked (salted) salmon
Crispy Rice Snacks

6:30 Shake
Mary's Gone Crackers (organic wheat/gluten free herb) brown rice, quinoa, brown flax seeds, brown sesame seeds, garlic, herbs, wheat-free tamari (soybeans, salt, alcohol), sea salt

Water: 123456+
Activity: Running around the school for an hour doesn't count... . :-P
My doc says the inflammation in my neck has improved and is not bad at all because the detox is working to keep it down! :-) I was a little worried because I normally have to take Inflaguard on a daily basis. I'm supposed to stay away from as much "stuff" as possible so the detox will work better. The first time I did a detox, I had to be on a lot of herbals, which is much better than trying to detox using traditional meds.

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