Friday, December 12, 2008

Detox--Day Twenty Nine

10:00 Shake
I've been up-and-at-'em since 6:30, this morning, and was even doing the encouraging,"Keep running after the bus and she'll see you and stop!" bit from the door to my frantic son. It was -8F at that time!!! Oldest child was already standing at the corner and was picked up, thankfully, unlike on Tuesday when she was running after the bus and son wasn't even out the door!!! It's dark and frigid in the mornings up here in the frozen tundra, so I don't blame the kids for waiting last minute! :-} After youngest left for her bus, I started working on yearbook. Once I start, it's sometimes hard to stop! :-P

1:30 Shake

5:00 Shake

Water: 123456
Activity: Walked about 20 minutes in snow flurries, up two steep hills, and around the neighborhood with my neighbor and her poochie.

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